"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."
-Oprah Winfrey
Welcome. Let me begin by addressing the elephant in the room. Why is there a food blog located on a law office website? Well the answer is actually simple enough...Passion. We have all been impacted by the effects the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the world and our way of life. When the pandemic was still in the early stages I attended a CLE (Continued Legal Education) seminar for sole practitioners. During that seminar the presenter asked an obvious yet very enlightening question, what is the most valuable resource in the world? The answer is time, because that is the only thing you can't get back.
With that point the presenter went on to emphasize that the most important thing a business owner could do at the time is find one thing to invest their time in that would improve their lives. This requirement however was subjective, it did not necessarily have to be business related. It could be anything from making a commitment to exercise, picking up a new skill, reading a new book, etc. The point was to find something to improve your life, and that would pay dividends on your business. This law firm was created because I had a passion for justice and when evaluating what other things I am passionate about and would want to invest time into during the pandemic, the answer was simple: food.
As I've grown older my passion and respect for food has grown. Food is an incredible abstract concept when you think about it. Food is a form of communication, it can be used to say I'm sorry or I love you. Food can be an artistic form of expression. Food can represent and educate others about cultures and the history of certain regions. It can also reflect your values and politics if you're vegan or vegetarian for example. Food can be a means of survival or a means of leisure. The right food can even activate all 5 senses. Take for example, reverse searing a bone-in ribeye. You begin by massaging (touch) in the seasoning, then you roast it in the oven, take it out and hear the sizzle (hearing) as you sear it in a cast iron pan and watch (sight) the crust build on both sides, then you toss in the butter, garlic, and herbs and let the aroma (smell) waft through the house and the sensory journey ends as you bite (taste) into the American delicacy. So I decided to take this passion and extra time I had from decreased business due to the pandemic and invest more time taking food journeys and improving myself in the kitchen. This blog will include articles reviewing restaurants from all over Florida and perhaps beyond, reviews on recipes I have attempted that any home cook should be able to try, and on occasion legal related articles because I still have a passion for justice. I hope you find joy in the some of the content I provide, and if you do need legal services in the future, keep Patronus Law in mind. Stay safe and stay healthy.
-3 Course Counselor